Wintergroene bomen.

Bomen en coniferen die het blad tot diep in de winter of de hele winter vast houden.
 Acer rubrum 'Doric'

Acer rubrum 'Doric'

0 reviews

Very healthy small tree that stays in leaf until the end of February.

18-20 cm stem circumference

 Acer rubrum 'Doric'

Acer rubrum 'Doric'

0 reviews

Very healthy small tree that stays in leaf until the end of February.

18-20 cm stem circumference

 Acer rubrum 'Doric'

Acer rubrum 'Doric'

0 reviews

Very healthy small tree that stays in leaf until the end of February.

18-20 cm stem circumference

Taxus Acer rubrum 'Doric'

Taxus Acer rubrum 'Doric'

0 reviews

Medium-sized evergreen multi-stemmed tree

2.5-3 meters high

Pinus Acer rubrum 'Doric'

Pinus Acer rubrum 'Doric'

0 reviews

Weymouth pine with curved needles

size 25-30 cm trunk circumference

Taxus Acer rubrum 'Doric'

Taxus Acer rubrum 'Doric'

0 reviews

Medium-sized evergreen tree

20-25 cm trunk circumference